Warning- do not perform exercises if your Chiropractor has advised against them, or if you being to feel any pain
Hook your fingers above your collar bone, and gently rotate your neck to the same side, then extend your neck backwards. You should feel the stretch at the front of your neck under your fingers. This stretches the anterior scalene muscle.
Hold for 10-15 seconds, swap sides and repeat 3 times
Gently bend your neck forwards, and then side-bend your neck by taking your left ear towards your left shoulder. Hold on to a chair to make the stretch stronger if required. This will allow you to feel a stretch at the back and side of your neck. You can also make the stretch stronger by assisting with your hand. But do not push through pain.
Hold for 15 seconds, swap sides and repeat 3 times
Bend your elbow 90-degrees, and rest your forearm against a door frame or wall, with your fingers pointing towards the ceiling. Lean forwards creating a stretch across your upper arm, front shoulder and slightly into your chest. This exercise stretches the pectoral muscle.
Hold for 20 seconds, swap sides and repeat 3 times
Standing with good posture, and your arms by your side, move your shoulders backwards, up, forwards and down in a circular movement. Your arms remain by your side.
Perform for 30 seconds, rest and repeat 3 times
Sit upright with good posture. Gently pull your head back as far as comfortable and down slightly. You will feel some gentle tension at the front and back of your neck. This exercise will help your neck and upper back posture.
Perform 10 times up to 3 times per day